
Meeting Minutes

1/9/24 Virtual Business Meeting Minutes

Baronial Seat-Genevra and Andre • This Saturday is Buckland Cross’ 12th Night and Investiture. We will be there, and will be putting together largesse as a gift. Thank you to Sabina and Aibhilin for gifts. Aaron the Swift, our former Champion and current Captain of the Guard, will be elevated to the Order of the Chivalry.  • Following […]

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Meeting Minutes

10/10/23-Virtual Business Meeting Minutes

Baronial Seat-Genevra and Andre ·       We had River Wars with a good turnout despite the weather. Thank you to everyone who came out and helped. Thank you Collin, Katya, Cait, Valery and their staff, the Marshals, and everyone ·       We have 3 new Baronial Champions: Thrown Weapons-Taka, A&S- Emine, Archery- Ellyn. Thank you to the outgoing champions […]

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Meeting Minutes

5/9/23-Virtual Iron Bog Meeting Minutes

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan ·       Today is our last business meeting as Baron and Baroness. Thank you to everyone! ·       We have a new Prince and Princess: Matthias and Feilinn. ·       We’ll be at the Roses Tournament this weekend, War of the Roses (Memorial weekend), and SRWC. ·       Saturday, 5/20 Buckland Cross is hosting their […]

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Meeting Minutes

2/14/23 Virtual Meeting Minutes

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan ·       We are very disappointed that we will not be able to hold the Baronial Birthday event. We have been looking forward to this event for 3 years.  ·       The Highnesses are looking for event bids for Crown Tourney on 5/6 preferably in the Southern Region. Seneschal-Drueta ·       The Chatelaine position […]

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Meeting Minutes

3/14/23- Virtual Business Meeting Minutes

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan ·       We’d like to hold a Birthday Party get-together on 4/15. We reserved a 100 person pavilion at James Atkinson Park in Sewell-Gloucester County for $150.00 under Aibhilin’s name as a County Resident. ·       Discussed having an informal get together vs an official event. Katherine volunteered to serve as Event Steward, […]

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Meeting Minutes

1/10/23- Virtual Business Meeting Minutes

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan ·       We have Heirs; congratulations to Genevra and Andre. Thank you to Eldrich and Taka for putting their names forward, and being willing to do the job. ·       There are many upcoming events: 1/14-Fighter Schola/Tournament of the Fallen Stag in Caer Adamant, 1/21-Bellringers in Carillion, 1/28-Birka in Stonemarche and At the Sign […]

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Meeting Minutes

12/12/22-Virtual Business Meeting Minutes

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan ·       We spoke to their Majesties at Yule. They haven’t announced a decision on the polling yet. Seneschal-Drueta ·       Dru could not attend. Sterling ran the meeting as her Deputy. Exchequer-Katya ·       No report. Herald-Larry ·       No report. Knight Marshal-Sterling ·       We have acquired through conversation and some negotiations a place to be able to practice […]

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Meeting Minutes

11/8/22 Virtual Business Meeting Minutes

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan ·       Thank you everyone who attended and helped at Geekfest! Spring Geekfest will be on 4/8/23. Ryan asked us to do a panel. ·       From Alison Wodenhalle: Hartshorn-dale will be holding Nova Schola Mar 4th 2023 and we are seeking teachers. We would like to run a service track (as well […]

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Meeting Minutes

10-11-22 Virtual Iron Bog Meeting Minutes

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan ·       Thank you to Sterling and his amazing team for a wonderful event! ·       Thank you to Larry for stepping in not only to herald for us at River War, but to then volunteer to take over for the Office of Baronial Herald. ·       Congratulations to our new Baronial Champions! ·       Congratulations to the newest […]

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Meeting Minutes

9/13/22-Virtual Business Meeting Minutes

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan ·       Several upcoming events: Ducal Challenge, River War, Coronation 10/1, Harts & Horns and Ghosts Ghouls and Goblins both 10/8, Shire Wars 10/15, Buckland Cross Rattan and Rapier Champs 10/22, EK Crown Tourney 10/29. ·       We would very much like to hold the Baronial Birthday and Baronial Bardic Champs event in […]

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