Monthly Baronial Activities

Business meeting:  Here is the business aspect of the Barony is handled by the Baronial officers. All Barony members are welcome to attend and participate.

Second Tuesday of each month at 7:30-9:00. Virtually via Google Meet. The recurring link is:

Fight Practice: Come practice medieval heavy weapons fighting!  Loaner armor is available if the Knight Marshal (Sir Sterling de la Rosa) is contacted in advance or go to the Iron Bog’s SCA Fighter Practice page on FaceBook.

Sundays at 1:30 at Cooper River Park in Pennsauken. For the pinned location:

Rapier Practice: Learn the art of Fencing!  Some loaner gear is available.

Select Sundays at 1:30 at Cooper River Park in Pennsauken. For the pinned location:

Contact the Rapier Marshal or go to the Iron Bog’s SCA Fighter Practice page on FaceBook.

A&S Activities: Day/time and location may vary, please see the Iron Bog email list and Facebook page for details.

Brunch with the Baroness: A traveling Sunday afternoon medieval potluck open to all members of the Barony and beyond. The in-person version had been on hiatus due to Covid. If you would like to host a Brunch please contact Baroness Aibhilin to schedule.

Archery Practice: Learn the art of Archery!

On-hiatus. (no compound bows please) Loaner gear available.

Other Practices in the Southern Region:

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