5/10/22 Virtual Business Meeting Minutes

The SCA Bullying and Harassment statement shared by the Seneschal.

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan

·       We have heirs: Prince Mohammad Al Wajdi Al Abderrafi Al Manil Ibn Horrah Ibn Gowan  and Princess Corotica Merkka Senebelenae 

·       We have a new Baronial Signet, Annika. Mairi Crawford has been our Baronial Signet since we stepped up, and has been working with Annika. She will continue to support Annika as she takes on this new role.

·       Runnymede is doing a Baronial Largesse exchange in which one Barony is paired with another. Each Barony puts together a basket of Largesse which are then exchanged at the Runnymede dinner at Pennsic. Iron Bog is paired with Barony Beyond the Mountain. Their heraldry has an oak tree, and the colors blue and yellow.

·       TRMs are requesting non-gendered Largesse. Her Majesty is also requesting beaded bangles (see MOAS report below).


·       Has been putting out notifications to the email as they come up.


·       We have money.


·       Nothing to report.

Knight Marshal-Sterling

·       We continue to try to have a heavy weapons/rapier practice in the park. We end up fighting against Mundane, melee practice, weather. Sometimes we win. Sometimes we do not.  Lately we have not been winning.

·       My current thought is to focus the attention on two Sunday’s out of the month for heavy practice. Currently losing two Sunday’s a month to some sort of melee practice.  So the big push will be the second and third Sunday.

·       I will keep posting to the Iron Bog Fighter Practice page.  There you will find updates, questions, comments, and conversation.

·       The word Pennsic is floating around everywhere.

·       Projects on the task board:

Tourney 7/11, Event 9/23-9/25, Tourney 12/3, Tourney1/7

·       PSA announcement: For those that are looking for some great action but want to say 9 to 10 feet away — Spears … not as fun as a slinking but still fun for all.  Ice Falcon has spears for sale. I have a post up on the Iron Bogs Practice page.  I have made the offer to go pick them up as a whole. I will be trying to get them to bring to the next Southern region Sunday melee (May 22nd).

Fence Marshall-Taka

·       No report.

Company Captain of the Archers

Master of the Lists- Hiromasa

·       Nothing to report from your MOL, hopefully soon though.

Mistress of A&S-Wentlyanna

·       We have not had any gatherings. I did want to share a request I saw from her Majesty’s largesse coordinator. Indrakshi would like to bestow beaded bangle bracelets as gifts. The following tutorial provides a simple way to make them.


·       For those more inspired to work with fabric, she will also need favors. https://ri.eastkingdom.org/index.php/375-2/

·       Weekends are filling up quickly, but perhaps we would like to plan a small gathering to work on one or both of these projects between now and SRWC.


·       SJ Geekfest happened! I was unable to attend, but I had one person reach out via email, and I believe there is a list of names and email contacts (there was a form last time I attended SJ Geefest)? I am willing to reach out and send emails if/when I retrieve that list if it exists. **Aibhilin has the list, and will share it with Alexis.

·       Regarding the one person I reached back out to – have not heard back from them, but they were very interested in fencing.

·       Thank you to everyone who participated and helped coordinate! Hopefully I can attend the next one!


·       There have been no changes to the Baronial inventory that I have been made aware of, please let me know of any new donations.  


·       The internet is working.

·       I have updated the website with correct information on officers….hopefully. 


·       1st quarter issue was published.


·       We have history.

Chancellor of Youth-Fiadhnait

·       I have been approached by Lord Sterling regarding helping with Youth Activities for River War in October, and have agreed.

·       Other than that, there have been no Activities for my office and I have nothing more to report.

Financial Committee

·       Aibhilin emailed Erhart asking him to add Pixie and Valery to the Financial Committee email.

·       Sterling emailed a bid for Tourney on the Island (Baronial Rattan and Rapier Champs).

Charter Committee

Disbanded until further need arises.

Old business:


·       It was at the High School so nearly everything was indoors except for us, Mystic Realms, and the Food Trucks. We had a great spot; we were right at the front door. However, there were less people hanging outside this year at the new site since all the activities were indoors this year. They had 2 gyms full of vendors, the cafeteria with seating for gaming, as well as additional smaller rooms for gaming.

·       Discussed ideas: taking advantage of our indoor space/table, getting a schedule of the day’s activities so we can schedule a rattan and rapier tournaments, hands-on A&S, Boffer weapons for adults, have a raffle with prizes such a silk banner, scroll print, etc.


·       We will have Court and pot-luck dinner.

·       It looks like a smaller group than usual camping this year.

River War-Sterling/Katherine/Creature

·       We will have both Archery Thrown Weapons Championships that will tie in the Olympic theme of the day.

·       Creature suggested looking at different competitions from different cultures (eg, Japanese, Indian). Taka spoke about an Archery scenario with a large Japanese fan.

·       Discussed having a dayboard and feast. Since the feast is a separate cost, if Covid stats change, and we need to cancel the feast, the cost will be refundable.

·       Baron and Baroness asks that the Event Announcement include that Baronial Archery, Thrown Weapons, and A&S Champions will be held at River War.

·       Annika asked if there would A&S activities. Dru will be in charge of A&S; Annika will be her Deputy.

Tourney on the Island (Baronial Rattan and Rapier Champs)-Sterling

·       7/10/22 at Cooper River Park. Sterling has a permit, and will send in the insurance.

·       Approved by the Financial Committee. Voted and approved by the populace at the meeting.

·       Aibhilin and Declan will email Sterling the invitation letter. Sterling will put together an Event Announcement.

New Business:

Fantasy Faire with Mystic Realms at Wheaton Village-6/18

·       Barren Sands is looking for volunteers.

·       Taka will be going.

Shire of Hartshorn-dale Demo-8/11-8/13

·       They are looking for volunteers; need to know by 5/30.

·       There will be camping.

Tournament around the Knowne World-Sterling

·       12/3-has a site.

·       Will put together a bid.

Another Tournament-Sterling

·       1/7-has a site.

·       Will put together a bid.

Motion made to adjourn and seconded.

Submitted by Baroness Aibhilin inghean Ui Phaidin

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