4-12-22 Virtual Business Meeting


The SCA Bullying and Harassment statement was posted by the Seneschal.

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan

·       Congratulations to our new King and Queen. They will have heirs on May 7th.  We have a new Kingdom Seneschal, Magistra Audrye Beneyt.

·       We’re looking forward to Geekfest on Saturday. Events are happening.

·       Juliana is borrowing our MayBe idea for her library and the other libraries on the River (in the Burlington County Library System). On different days in May the different libraries will be holding classes or activities. She will be getting back to me to see if there are classes that we might be interested in either teaching or attending.


·       Please see this notice from the Kingdom Seneschal:

Greetings all!

Just an FYI, for any postings of an event or gathering of any kind, the following must be included in the listing online and in person:

“Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.”

This means if it’s a calendar event for a practice, an event, a workshop, business meetings, etc. Any official in-person activity. One option would be to have a PDF with this information on it, and link to it in the description of the event. So, a google calendar event, a post on FB, an event on FB, all those need to have it.

If you have events already posted, please go back through their postings to ensure these policies are followed.

Also, please see the following updated policies:





·       We have money, the same amount as last month although that will change most likely next month.


·       I won’t be able to attend tonight. I have nothing to report.

·       See you on Saturday, assuming we aren’t rained out??? 

Knight Marshal-Sterling

·       We have been holding practice in the Cooper River Park. We have been average 6-12 fighters and fencers.  Weather goes up and down — down side to being in the park.

·       I am hoping to find both a replacement Knight Marshal and indoor site before Sept. so we have a place to go when it gets cold again.

·       For the Month of April we might have one heavy practice.  Not sure if there will be a practice on Easter Sunday.

·       Reasons for not having a practice …Melee seasons…. I lost 2 weekends a month for melee practice.

·       I am thinking and looking to get 2 plastic kits full suits for the barony…  the cost is 350 per.  Having full kits of plastic will take less time to repair. Plus flexible with sizing.

·       Please if you have someone that would come out to practice have them join the Iron Bogs Fighter practice page on Facebook.  There I post whether or not there is practice.

·       ******* Please note as a barony member, a long time knight marshal, a friend —- Bevan was elevated to Order of Chivalry *** Vivat — Vivat…..

Fence Marshall-Taka

·       No report.

Company Captain of the Archers

Master of the Lists- Hiromasa

·       We had a mock tournament near the end of last month to get me into the start of things. The first running was 7 fighters. After that was done 2 more fighters showed up; then 9 were there. Unfortunately I had to leave after the first one.

·       Nothing else to report at this time. 

Mistress of A&S-Wentlyana

·       Nothing to report.


·       I will not be able to attend tonight, as well. I have nothing new to report.


·       No report.


·       No report.


·       No report


·       We have new history: at Mudthaw our own Baroness Katherine Barr was added to the Order of the Maunche, and Sir Sterling took his second squire, Donnchadh Mac Lochlainn.

Chancellor of Youth-Fiadhnait

·       No report.

Financial Committee

·       Nothing before the committee at this time.

Charter Committee

Disbanded until further need arises.

Old business:

South Jersey Geekfest-Aibhilin

·       So far, we have Andre, Genevra, Pixie, Erik, Beatrice (the 5 Finas), Annika, Hiromasa, Angus, Valery, Collin, Wentlyana, Meg, Bryan (from Bhakail), Declan, and Aibhilin.

·       There’s a spreadsheet on the email list that folks can fill out so we can keep track of who’s bringing what, especially the big things like ez-ups and tables. I’ll be posting final details on the email list and FB page.


·       Valery has been reaching out to folks who typically camp at Pennsic.


·       Discussed plans for Saturday, and added details to the spreadsheet on the email list. Discussed meeting up at 8am to unload and set-up.

·       Aibhilin will put out a final email going over the details.

River War-Sterling

·       We have the dates and the site.

·       Iron Bog and each of our neighboring Baronies have a liaison; Creature is our liaison. The liaisons have had meetings online. They are more focused on the A&S and activities of the day.

·       Discussed having our Baronial TW and Archery Champs there. Aibhilin will reach out to possible Marshals, and connect with Sterling

·       We will also have our Baronial A&S Champs. Katya will talk to Sterling about the theme.

MayBe/Baronial Champs-Aibhilin/Sterling

·       Instead of a small MayBe event, we discussed and decided on having a Commons with Rapier and Rattan Champs on a Sunday at Cooper River Park.

·       Aibhilin, Declan, and Sterling will compare schedules for possible dates in May and June.

·       Aibhilin and Declan will do a write-up for Sterling to put out the Fighter and Fencing requesting their participation.

New Business:

The Event the Happens Around the Known World-Sterling

·       Saturday, 12/3; It will be a fencing and heavy tournament with the same format for each Kingdom that participates.

·       Sterling has an Event Steward for Aethelmarc already.

·       Everyone likes the idea so Sterling will put a bid together for the financial committee and then for a meeting.

Loaner Gear-Sterling

·       Sterling would like to put together 2 loaner kits.

·       Dru is donating her helm to the Barony.


Dru was contacted by the Assistant to the President of the SCA to inform her that an “individual passed, and left a contribution to Iron Bog in his will.” Dru is providing them with Katya’s contact information as the donation will be through the Exchequer. Though a name was not given, we assume it is from Baron Duncan.

Motion made to adjourn and seconded.

Submitted by Baroness Aibhilin inghean Ui Phaidin 


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