1/10/23- Virtual Business Meeting Minutes

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan

·       We have Heirs; congratulations to Genevra and Andre. Thank you to Eldrich and Taka for putting their names forward, and being willing to do the job.

·       There are many upcoming events: 1/14-Fighter Schola/Tournament of the Fallen Stag in Caer Adamant, 1/21-Bellringers in Carillion, 1/28-Birka in Stonemarche and At the Sign of the Wolf, Raven, and Winged Cat in Bhakail, 2/4 EK Bardic Champs in Shire of Hartshorn-dale, 2/11-Imbolc Schola in Settmour Swamp, 2/18- EK Rapier Champs in Quintavia, 3/4- Nova Schola in Shire of Hartshorn-dale.


·       Sent out an email that there are several offices up for elections: Knights Marshal, Chamberlain, Webminister, and the position of Company Captain of the Archers is vacant.

·       Diana is willing to continue as Chamberlain-a vote of confidence was taken and she was voted in to continue as Chamberlain for one more year.

·       Erhart is willing to continue as Webminister-a vote of confidence was taken and he was voted in to continue as Webminister for one more year.

·       Sterling is willing to continue as Knight Marshal as we actively recruit a new

·       Company Captain of Archers- requirements: be a paid member and know the rules of the office and be able to enforce them; do not have to be an Archery Marshal but is helpful.


·        Nothing to report.


·        Peach heralded Court at the BOE event

Knight Marshal-Sterling

·       We have been currently hiding from the winter cold at the Ultimate Archery in Maple Shade. Our practice has been moved to Tuesday nights 6:30 -9:30. This is a paid site. I have normal pay for the site’s rental most times the donation balance out.  Since the fencers would rather go to a different practice on the first Tuesday of the month, this opens the room a bit to offer a safe space for combat archery to happen.  There is a safety net around the room. // Side note if there is ever a night where things finish early there is the Iron Brewery within walking distance.

·       There was a tourney held within the Barony on 1/7 – As of today no accident paperwork has been filled out. Thus far all have been safe.

·       My term to serve as the Knight Marshal has come to end.  Whomever decides to pick up the mantle I am willing to help when I can if I am needed?

·       I did submit my last quarterly report.

·       Currently there are 6 fighters, two CA’s, one siege, two additional from other baronies plus a few others that come or have come to practice.

·       I have been using social media to gauge whether to hold a practice. Normally there is a weekly polling that is posted.

Fence Marshall-Sterling

·       Rapier practice has been sharing the site the heavies on Tuesday night when not attending other practices.

·       The next practice is currently scheduled for January 24th 6:30 – 9:30. The Ultimate Archery located in Maple Shade. Donations for the site are welcomed.

·       Tourneys on the rise

o   Birka

o   Rusted Woodlands Champion

o   K&Q 

·       May your practice carry each of you towards your goals

Company Captain of the Archers-vacant

Master of the Lists- Hiromasa

·       MOL happened, YAY. 

·       Had a great event. Still learning. This was my 3rd event MOLing. BoTE was a great event to learn large format scoring. On the MOL side it went very well. Had 3 great teachers and was shown how to score using already learned formats. 

·       I know there is a teaching event this weekend, so hoping I might be able to attend it.

·       Otherwise we keep going and learning. 

Master of A&SI-Lorenzo

·       Katherine: I am providing this report as Deputy MoAS.

·       The following activities have been scheduled:

o   Scribal – Tomorrow, Wednesday night, at Josh and Sandi’s house, starting at 7:00 p.m.  This may be a monthly or twice a month activity. You don’t need any prior experience, or materials.

o   Cooks Guild – Sunday, January 15 at 4:00 p.m. at Valery’s.  Bring something with you to share.  It can be a period recipe that you have wanted to try.  Don’t know any period recipes, that’s ok, bring something modern.  It is requested that you bring an ingredient list of anything you make for those with allergies.  February’s Cooks Guild to be held at Andre and Genevra’s – February 12?

o   Dance – Tuesday, January 24 at 6:30 to about 9:00 at Ultimate Archery (Same place as heavy and rapier).  This will be led by Master Arden.

o   Fire Spinning – I need to get back to Ken Leap, who offered his studio in Runnemede.

o   Bead Flowers – Dru has offered to teach this. Just need to work out a date and location.

o   Have a request for fiber arts – from Elizabeth Hogue, for weaving, embroidering, spinning. She does Blackwork, but would not be able to teach until after Gulf Wars.


·       My term is up in February. I am unable to proceed for another term at this time.

·       I wanted to say a big thank you to the Barony for supporting me with this role and also appreciate everyone for the opportunity to serve over the past few years.

·       Please send all letters of intent to our Seneschal, Drueta.


·       No Inventory changes

·       Autocrat box returned to my garage after the event. 

·       Sheet walls used at the event returned to Andre & Genevra’s home. 

·       If the Barony wishes I can remain in the position of Chamberlain.


·       I’ll continue to do this unless I hear otherwise.

·       Internet is still up.

·       However, the website is not letting me log into it for some reason. I’m trying to figure that out.


·       1st quarter issue of the Iron Monger went out.


·       Nothing to report.

Chancellor of Youth-Fiadhnait

·       Nothing to report.

Financial Committee

·       Approved the revised Event Bid.

Charter Committee

Disbanded until further need arises.

Old business:

Beast of the East-Sterling

·       Thanks to Sir Rory for the idea. Thank you to everyone who volunteered and participated. Many people had a great time. He doesn’t think that the event made money; may have lost about $500-had lower attendance than planned for-he had several fighters drop out due to the mask mandate. Sterling said that Sir Rory would like to do it again.

·       Genevra- It was a great event. The fencers loved getting to fight as much as they did. If we want to hold it again next year, maybe we want to explore holding it at a less expensive site. If we use the site again, maybe we can use the lobby/gathering area for non-marshal activities such as an A&S competition.

·       Aibhilin-It’s a great site, but expensive. Even if there was not a mask mandate we probably would not have hit our break even number of 167.

·       Nefertiti-time of the year may also continue to impact attendance being a week after New Year’s/2 weeks after Christmas, and people getting sick. Suggested that giving the Marshals more autonomy to run their own Tournament.

·       Valery-It’s a nice site-but there is nothing for non-fighters/fencers to do, which can also affect numbers

·       Declan-it went really well, everyone had a good time, people from out of town came to it.

Giving of the Bird

·       This Friday 1/13 from 6-10. There is a spreadsheet for the potluck. We will

·       We need to get a check for $200 signed and brought to the event, and put it in Jan’s mail slot. Genevra emailed that

Baronial Birthday and Baronial Bardic Champs-Collin

·       Genevra has confirmed with the Church. She is waiting to hear when they want the check.

·       Collin will be posting the event onto Social Media, and putting out requests for staff.

·       Collin will be having a general online meeting next week (possibly for 7pm) for anyone who would like to attend. He will have an in-person staff meeting in March.

·       Their Excellency would like to have the birthday cake at Court. They will also have the usual pre-Court coffee and tea.

·       Whoever wins the Fencing and Heavy Tournaments get a cake; Diane and Wentlyanna will be making cake.


·       DATE: 06/10/2023

·       LOCATION: Dream Park Equestrian Center, Swedesboro, NJ  

Website: www.dreamparknj.com 

·       Presented an updated Event Bid:

o   ADULTS: $25.00 with Membership Discount $20.00

o   CHILDREN: Age 10 to 17 – $10.00

o   CHILDREN: to Age 9 – $00.00

o   OVERNIGHT HORSE BOARDING FEE:  $ 25.00 for the weekend per horse. Horse owners may arrive on Friday afternoon and leave Sunday morning.


o   SITE FEE:                                     $ 1,675.00

o   TOKENS:                                           200.00 for 300 people

o   SIGNS:                                               100.00

o   DAY BOARD:                                   900.00 for 300 people.

o   YOUTH ACTIVITIES                      100.00

o   RATTAN TOURNAMENT:             100.00

o   FENCING TOURNAMENT:            100.00


o   TABLE RENTALS:                          100.00  for (20) 6 foot tables

o   CHAIR RENTALS:                           200.00 for 100 chairs

o   MISC. EXPENSES                            200.00

o   INSURANCE                                     100.00

o   TOTAL COSTS:                         $ 3,875.00

o   INCOME: 300 paid member adults = $6,000.00

o   Estimated Profit = $ 6,000.00 – 3,825.00 = 2,125.00

·       The site has two large indoor horse arenas.  Therefore, weather is not an issue.  The main arena for the equestrian champion’s tournament is 300 yards x 150 yards.  The indoor arena “The Bubble” for the rest of the event is 144 yards x 120 yards.  There is plenty of room for fencing and heavy fighting indoors in the bubble. There is a 3rd covered area where we can set up an outside kitchen next to the Bubble arena for day board.

·       There are 3 small rooms that can be used for Royal and/or Baronial rooms.  Weather permitting, we can set up pavilions outside or in the bubble if there is bad weather

·       There are plenty of bathrooms for changing rooms.  There is no indoor kitchen, but there is a concession stand, and individuals may bring their own food for vigils and those with dietary restrictions.  You may eat in both arenas. The site is handicapped accessible, and all activities are on the ground floor. There are 10 handicapped parking spots near the main front door and enough parking for more than 300 cars.

·       We have access to the site all day on Friday for set up.  There is no specific closing time on Saturday.

·       There is no tent camping at the site, but there are trailer hook ups for an additional charge. There are a number of local hotels and restaurants in the area.

·       Angelique responded they just need hay. I’m okay with building in additional expenses for the Equestrian tourney.

·       I put in sign money because I don’t know what we have and need for at the event.  I was thinking of a large map at troll to show where things are located like at Pennsic.

·       Populace at the meeting voted and approved the Event Bid.


1/24- A&S at Fighter Practice


·       Creature registered Iron Bog’s camp.

·       Individuals can now register

Possible Thursday Fencing Practice-Genevra

·       Genevra heard back from the Church-it is not available after all.

Motion made to adjourn and seconded.

Minutes submitted by Baroness Aibhilin inghean Ui Phaidin

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