3-8-22 Virtual Business Meeting Minutes

The SCA Bullying and Harassment statement was shared by the Seneschal.

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan

·       Mudthaw, Coronation, and Balthar’s are all coming up.

·       We are looking forward to seeing everyone, and hopefully holding an event soon.


·       There was possible Covid Exposure to those that attended Aisles of March.  I have posted the Kingdom Seneschal’s email to the FB group and our email list.  If you have tested positive since attending the event please contact the Kingdom Seneschal.

·       Just a reminder that we are still required to follow the Society REQUIRED Health Acknowledgement requirements of posting the policy at all in-person gatherings.

·       In this vein, Masks are still required for all indoor gatherings and also for outdoor gatherings if tents, ez-ups, or pavilions are used with 3 walls.  The individual, while in these temporary structures are required to wear a mask.

·       All other Covid precautions are still in place.  If there are any questions, please let me know and I can point you to the policy online.


·        Katya has signed up for her warrant for the 3d time. She will send it to Dru for her to submit it.


·       Nothing to report.

Knight Marshal-Sterling

·       See new business.

Fence Marshall-Taka

·       The current practice site for Bhakail’s Rapier Practice on Wednesdays is being sold. The current owner is communicating with the new owner about continuing as a practice site, and for the same amount.

·       Taka got a new job in which he will be working Monday through Fridays. He hopes to attend Sunday practices once he gets started at the new job.

Company Captain of the Archers

Mistress of the Lists- Hiromasa

·       Nothing to report.

Mistress of A&S-Wentlyanna

·       Nothing to report.


·       The SouthJersey Geekfest is on April 16th.

·       Alexis forwarded Aibhilin the organizer’s contact information. Aibhilin will reach out to him to see about the Barony possibly going again.


·       Nothing to report.


·       If you need email assistance, please email me.


·       Nothing to report.


·       We have history.

Chancellor of Youth-Fiadhnait

·       Nothing to report.

Financial Committee

·       Nothing before the committee.

Charter Committee

Disbanded until further need arises.

Old business:


·       Aibhilin reached out to Juliana to ask her about the Burlington library, and will be talking to her on Thursday.

·       Sterling asked what dates we were aiming for, and if having Archery was a requirement for a site. Aibhilin and Declan are thinking this Maybe could be in May, June, or July (Maybe we will try a different month). Aibhilin will email Sterling dates that they are booked and available to hold it.


·       Iron Bog is registered.

·       Valery is registered and is reaching out to those who typically camp with Iron Bog.

River War-Sterling

·       9/23/22-9/25/22

·       Sent email to the site to check in, but has not heard back yet.

·       Has a meeting with the Barony liaisons for the Event next week.

·       Duchess Kienna reached out to Sterling to see if Equestrian would be held. Sterling asked her to reach out to the Equestrian community to see if they would come.

·       Angus would like to help; Sterling will add him to the Staff list.

New Business:

Mock Tourney-Sterling

·       Looking at holding a mock tourney the Sunday before Mudthaw

·       This will give people a chance to practice, do authorizations, and give Gil a chance to practice MOL’ing.

Motion made to adjourn and seconded.

Minutes submitted by Baroness Aibhilin inghean Ui Phaidin

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