12/14/21-Virtual Business Meeting Minutes

The SCA Harassment and Bullying Policy was read by the Baronial Seneschal.

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan

·       We had some momentous happenings at Bhakail’s Yule: Andre received his Master of Defense and now is a Peer of the Realm. Wentlyanna received her Order of the Gold Rapier.

·       We are still interested in holding the Baronial Bog Mitzvah in spring if Baron Larry or someone else is interested in stewarding the event.


·       Kingdom Seneschal just sent out an email, which Dru will forward to the Barony-if you wear a “gator” it needs to be a double or a gator with a mask.


·       We have the same amount of money as the last report.  We have not to my knowledge received a refund from the canceled event at the Woodstown Friends.  We should see if they will refund or discuss rescheduling.

·       Needs both Dru and Valery’s membership information.

·       Now that Katya is Exchequer, we need another officer on the Financial Committee, which consists of Seneschal, Exchequer, Baron/Baroness, one officer, and one member of the populace. Pixie volunteered to be the Officer on the Financial Committee.


·       I attended a very good online training session for new Heralds called The Voice as Herald: Voice Health and Process Techniques for Court and Procession.

·       It was run by Baronessa Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Don Doroga Voronin from The Barony of Carolingia.

·       They did an excellent job and I learned a lot. It will be invaluable in helping me grow into my new role as Herald of Iron Bog

Knight Marshal-Sterling

·       Practice has been held off and on at Cooper River Park, Pennsauken NJ.   Sunday 5th was a very successful Practice we had fencing and fighting. Finally, having a crowd of people out drew the attention of several people passing by.  My hope and dream is to have more practice with a large number of people with the possibility of finding more people to come play with us.

·       A Knight Marshals report did go in. Late but still submitted.  Would love to have a volunteer person that would enjoy spending their Sunday making sure combatants are safe. Possible arranging classes and various training.

·       Couple leads on indoor site. We did have a contract that was sent to us. They need to have insurance.  For us to have the room at 50 per hour (150.00 per day) we needed to add in more dates. With this all adding up to 2100.00 minus 800.00 leaving a balance of 1300.  Sure a few of the fighters have offered to throw in money in the beginning but we would still have been short about 1000.00 to use the site.

·       Sadly, I will have to go back to the drawing board to find a site.

Fence Marshall-Taka

·       Nothing to report.

Company Captain of the Archers-Eoin

·       Nothing to report.

Mistress of the Lists- Sterling

·       Check your card to make sure they stay current. Keep playing and have a good time.

·       MOL report not due till February

Mistress of A&S-Wentlyanna

·       We haven’t had any organized A&S activities recently.

·       If you have not seen the online kingdom display, I would encourage you to check it out. https://moas.eastkingdom.org/third-east-kingdom-online-as-display/

Chatelaine: Alexis

·       Nothing to report.


·       Nothing to report.         


·       Nothing to report.


·       Nothing to report.


·       Don Andre was elevated to Master of Defense at Bhakail’s Yule on Saturday and Her Excellency Wentlyanna was elevated to the Order of the Golden Rapier.

Chancellor of Youth-Fiadhnait

·       I won’t be able to attend tonight’s meeting as I will be at a Flyers game instead.

·       There have been no Youth Activities in Iron Bog, due to a lack of events, and time on my part.

Financial Committee

·       Nothing before the committee

Old business:

Baronial Birthday-

·       Genevra was going to talk to Larry about running the Baronial Birthday with her cooking; holding it at the Friends Meeting Hall. She hasn’t gotten a chance to speak to him, but will reach out to him.


·       Juliana spoke to Genevra about possibly holding the Maybe event at the Westampton Library. Genevra will talk to her to get more information, in particular how much outdoor space we would have so that we can hold Rapier and Rattan Baronial Championships there.


·       Genevra asked for the Charter to be posted onto the Barony’s website.

·       Aibhilin will look into doing that or asking Erhart to do it.

Indoor Practice site-

·       Sterling sent Dru a contract for an indoor practice site; however, he is withdrawing his request since the fee on the contract was $2100 over the approved budget.

New Business:

·       Upcoming events: Angus spoke to Mael Eoin: Bhakail’s Tavern event will be held on the last Saturday of January.

·       Sterling is interested in holding a martial (heavy and fencing) event on the same day as the Tavern Event at Rastelli’s. Sterling will put together an Event Bid, and Declan and Aibhilin will reach out to Baron Muin to let him know what we’re thinking.

·       From Sterling’s email to the Barony:

o   With there being no Birka on January 29th, is there any interest in holding a small event with a tourney or two?

o   The site is indoor the size of the field is a volleyball court. We can have it for hours at a cost of $800.00. The location is by 5 points: the Rastelli Kids complex.

o   There is a diner across the street. 

o   It would honestly be…come fight and then for those that wanted to eat together – I would see if the diner would welcome an X-large party with a group pricing.

o   Currently the only thing I know that is going on that day is up in MA there is a special out of town guess coming into tech.

o   I do have the date penciled in. I am not looking at making this a large event for several reasons. The idea of the tourney would have a Birka style bear pit. Many four list for Heavy and Four for fencing.

o   I have reached out to the previous autocrat of Birka to make sure there would not be any issues if there is a green light on this project.

o   No dayboard – no Food

o   I am figuring cost per person 12.00 with 70 people

o   Just need feedback …

·       The King spoke to Sterling about holding an event the first weekend in April.

o   This is just and FYI, I am currently doing the leg work for his Majesty who would like to have an event on April 2nd. I do not have many details currently.  BUT I do need to know if there are any conflicts or objections to having a Kingdom event that weekend if I can get the site.

o   Currently I am looking into using Tough Turf for the site.

o   Sterling is waiting on more information from him.

·       River War-

o   We have the site and the date in September.

o   As of this moment in time we are starting to brainstorm ideas for River War.

o   The idea is to try to have the Olympic theme idea again.  However, learning from my previous attempts I am trying to have more communication.  Within that attempt, I reached out to the seneschals of the surrounding Baronies in which the idea was shared with them. Once they seemed to be on board with the idea, I met with the Baronial Seats. Both meetings seem to go well. The seneschals were working to find a volunteer from each Barony to carry information/ideas and what-not back and forth with the hopes of keeping open communication.

o   As of right now — Bhakail is the only one that has gotten back to me with a person.

o   So – We have the site, date, theme –

·       Giving of the Bird-

o   We’d like to try holding it in person on a weekend in January, but need to find a place to make it work.

o   Declan will put out an email to the group to find out what folks are interested in doing.

Motion made to adjourn and seconded.

Submitted by Baroness Aibhilin inghean Ui Phaidin

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