7/7/20-Virtual Business Meeting


  • SCA Harassment and Bullying Policy posted.
  • The Baron and Baroness requested an additional 2 years term prior to the last meeting. Has not received any letters of intent from anyone else. As a vote of confidence is taken by the populace at a Business, Owynn set up a digital vote of confidence to end at 8:30pm.
  • Her Majesty and Their Highnesses are still accepting recommendations for awards.

Baronial Seat-Aibhilin and Declan

  • Thank you to Baron Duncan for sharing interesting, daily posts on a variety of topics. His Excellency is looking forward to trying to make George Washington’s Cherry Bounce.
  • We hope everyone is doing well, and is staying as sane as they can. Please reach out to us if you need anything; we are here for you.
  • Next EK Ethereal Court: Sunday, 7/19 at 4pm.
  • Virtual Baronial A&S Gathering-Wednesday, 7/15 at 7:30pm.
  • Thank you to Dru for sharing the information on all of the virtual MOAS activities sponsored by the EKMOAS.

Exchequer-Molly-out-going report

  • I cannot be at the meeting tonight but I wanted to send one last report. Hopefully Katya will have fully taken over by next month!
  • She and I have met (virtually) and gone over all sorts of good exchequer stuff. We have requested her warrant, as well as an update to the signers on the bank account.
  • We have $8318.04 in the bank account right now.
  • Nothing has been presented to the financial committee recently, as far as I know.
  • Any questions, feel free to text me, as I will just be in another virtual meeting at the time of tonight’s meeting.


  • Nothing to report.

Knight Marshal-Sterling

  • So there have been practices popping up here and there. One in the Shire of Caer Adamant and one in Barony of Carillion. These practices are supposed to be drills only no contact with mask. From my understanding that was supposed to be at the Barony of Carillion was canceled due to lack of people.  I have only heard that the one in Caer Adamant went well.  I personally have not gone to that one. Mainly because I feel that- that practice is outside of my personal safety bubble.
  • I will be putting out feelers to see if fighters that are local would be up to come to Cooper River Park for a group practice. With the idea of following the guidelines set forth. The style of the practice will be along the lines of football practice.
  • Basically — stretching together as a group — a bit of working out as a group — and an after doing some research a couple of group drills. In a perfect world I would get a spear teacher out to teach a class on spear work. For those that do not know spear length is 9 feet.
  • All in all in the end I hope to be able to report next month that there were at least two practices…. We will see.

Fence Marshall-Taka

  • The Barony received a donation from Cheryl/Anna of a fencing sword, large mask, large gorged, large fencing jacket, and large leather gloves.
  • We all send a big thank you to Cheryl/Anna.

Company Captain of the Archers-Eoin

  • Unfortunately, there is nothing new to report.
  • We should be getting new guidelines regarding practices as well as events soon, but until then, we can’t plan anything.

Mistress of the Lists- Sterling

  • Nothing to report.

Mistress of A&S-Dru

  • Nothing to report.

Chatelaine: Alexis

  • Nothing new to report this month.
  • I hope that everyone is hanging in there and doing okay, despite all of these circumstances.


  • Northing to report.


  • The internet is still up and running!
  • The Website is working too!


  • Aibhilin-2nd quarter issue published in June within 5 days of the last meeting with Their Excellencies’ Letter of Intent asking to continue as Baron and Baroness for an additional 2 years.


  • Nothing to report.

Chancellor of Youth-Fiadhnait

  • I don’t have anything new to report for this meeting.
  • No youth activities have occurred due to a lack of events and meetings. Mundane work and house projects have prevented me from making any videos for activities, though I did have some ideas for a few.

Charter Committee

  • On hiatus.

Financial Committee

  • Nothing before the committee at this time.

Old business:

River War-Sterling

  • Owynn reached out to Kingdom and Society Seneschals about insurance regarding whether the SCA insurance would cover anyone who gets Covid, and can be traced back to the event. They said “possibly.”
  • Discussed that the viability of holding River Wars, and decided that we will not be able to hold it this year. Sterling will reach out the site, and ask to roll our deposit forward to the same weekend next year. After talking to the site, Sterling will announce on the event listing that River War is being postponed to next year.

New Business:

No new business.


Motion made to adjourn and seconded.

Minutes submitted by Baroness Aibhilin inghean Ui Phaidin




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